Tuesday, September 16, 2008

To be continued....

So far this trip has met most of my expectations but it has also brought many surprises. It's been an exciting adventure of a lifetime and it's also helped me to discover many things about this country, the generous and friendly people I've met and, mostly, about myself. One of the most important things I've learned about myself is that, although I absolutely love cycling and camping, I don't necessarily love doing them for ten or more weeks at a time. I also learned that my goal of reaching the Atlantic Ocean by bike is not as important to me as the fun of actually riding my bike, meeting people and just enjoying the journey. Unfortunately, towards the end of the first part of my trip and during my time since returning to the bike, I found that I was focusing too much on the end goal and only wanted to get it done so that I could say I'd done it. As a result, I was pushing myself far too hard, all the while not realizing that I was no longer enjoying the simple act of riding and meeting people. So, after much thought and soul searching over the past few days, and after riding over 2,700 miles, I have decided that I would prefer to finish this cross-country adventure at some point in the future when I can better enjoy the trip. It was an incredibly difficult decision, but I have now returned home to Philadelphia to reassemble the pieces of my life and move forward towards re-engaging in my career. I want to thank all of you who have posted comments to this blog or made a donation to the Livestrong Foundation - your support has been so important to me and I hope I can honor your confidence in me by reaching the east coast in the future. For now I look forward to getting back in touch with you personally and perhaps posting a few more pictures from the trip to a photo sharing site. I wouldn't trade these past few months for anything and I will take what I've learned from this journey and put it to the best use in my life.

Total mileage so far: 2,703

Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them) http://www.livestrong.org/grassroots2008/steveonhisbike


Anonymous said...

What a trip!!! Thank you so much for sharing it. I'm sure you're decision was one of the most difficult of your life. I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you and ALL the pictures--not to leave out how relieved and happy I am to hear you're back home!
I love you

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Uncle Steve. Now we can sleep peacefully again knowing you're safely home. We're not even allowed in the road and you went all that way!!
Simba and Bandit

Marlene said...

Would that we all achieve -- even if in some small way -- our heart's desire! You teach that the ethereal quality of our dreams is of our own making.
Love you and Miss you Stevie

Marlene :}

Foofie said...

Steve - look forward to catching up with you soon. And hey - 2700 miles is more than most of the rest of us would even think about! I'm so happy you shared your adventure. I'm so proud of you for having taken on your dream instead of just being one of those people that always say "Somday I'll....".
Well done!

Anonymous said...


You should be incredibly proud of what you've accomplished. You did something you dreamed about for years. That's more than most of us can say. You have so many wonderful memories (and blog entries) to savor, and the added benefit of another trip with a lot less miles! Maybe you can drag along a few friends, if you decide you want company this time.

Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

Steve! I found your blog! I think you know that I support your decision... The goal only carries so far; the journey is day by day... so maybe another day. I hope I'll see you there! Thanks for the pictures of Hazel and me... like I said, all of ours were lost.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your achievement, your trip was quite amazing and thank you so much for sharing. I believe I owe you a homemade gnocchi dinner. :)

Richard said...

Glad you made it home safely. Amazing journey for one person to undertake. The Butlers
Richard,Brenda, Austin & Desiree
Have a glass of wine and some smores on us!!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment because it was one hell of an accomplishment. Now you can come over on the Friday after Thanksgiving and celebrate with us. Call when you have a chance.

Jane and Stu