Thursday, June 19, 2008


After my rest days in Bend, OR, (and the purchase of an ankle support at a local drugstore) I was feeling better and headed out again. Made it through the town of Prineville, OR where I stopped to see the Bowman Museum. This free attraction highlights the history of settlers in Oregon and the eventual establishment of towns and cities. There were some great exhibits including old maps, six-shooters, railroad photos and family histories. I then stopped for the night at the Ochoco Reservoir state park and met a few other cyclists who were heading my way. In continuing the "old west" theme, we rode together the next day across the Ochoco Pass and into the former stagecoach stop town of Mitchell, OR. This "living ghost town" still has some very old buildings. Also, when I ordered breakfast at the one cafe in town, they apologized that they didn't have any bacon or potatoes because the weekly delivery truck was running late! Now THAT'S remote. On the way down from the 4,369 foot Keys Creek Pass I encountered a unique type of traffic jam. I just got off my bike and watched about 250 head of cattle cross the road. Most of them didn't pay me any attention but just mooed their way from one pasture to the other. Tonight I'm staying at a rather unique place. The Presbyterian Church in Dayville, OR is open to passing cyclists and allows them to sleep in the sanctuary! They also have a shower and laundry facilities. Should be a quiet night....

Total mileage so far: 436.

Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them):


Foofie said...

Love the cattle shot. Reminded me of the trip I took driving across Tasmania. Came around a bend and saw about 100 cows in the road, taking their time to cross. A few stared at me through the window as I tried to take a similar photo. Thanks for the reminder of those little unexpected fun moments on an adventure like this. And if you need any Nature Valley granola bars, just let me know where to send them. I can get them cheap!
Bike on.

Unknown said...


It sounds like you're collecting all kinds of wonderful experiences! I can't wait to hear all about them, and see the rest of the pictures too!

I'm glad that you're taking time to enjoy the trip, and not just breezing through all of these places.


"Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen." -- Louis L'Amour, novelist (1908-1988)