Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
To be continued....
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
More southern charm
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ups and downs in the Ozarks
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Back to the bike
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
On the road again
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Prague - Lucia and me, together again!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Old friends and new
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
County Fair and Kansas Humidity
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hanging Out With New Friends
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
No sign of Dorothy yet....
Well, as you can figure out from my last post I've now crossed over into Kansas, my fifth state on this trip. For those of you who have never been out here let me tell you that Kansas is very flat and there are really long stretches of empty road between towns. The picture above shows how the farmland just goes off to the horizon and how, there are so few vehicles on the road, that I was able to take the time to set my bike up right in the middle and get this shot! And, yes, I have passed corn fields that seem to go on forever. Luckily for me, no twisters have been spotted although it is very, very windy and hot out here. I try my best to start early when it's cool but, most days, I still end up riding when it gets really hot. Haven't seen Dorothy or Toto but I did come across a fella named Brent who is riding cross-country with his black Lab named Teyah! He's got a special trailer just for her and she happily jumps into it when he says "saddle up!" They've ridden all the way from Oregon, just like me, and both rider and passenger seem excited about the trip. Given the way the heat and the wind have been tiring me out, I've decided to take a couple of short days and rest up more. Today I only did about 24 miles and I expect to do about 40 tomorrow (getting close to that 2,000 mile mark!). After that, I'll start cranking out a few more longer days so that I can make it to the Kansas - Missouri border in time for my big break. When Lucia graduated with her Bachelors from Nursing School (with distinction ;-) I promised her a trip to Prague (in the Czech Republic) to visit her cousins and some friends. So, starting in early August, I'll take about a one-month break from cycling and will fly back to Philly to do this trip and also stick around for the annual Labor Day drive up to Montreal. So now, my goal is to get to the very western end of Missouri where I plan to catch a bus from Joplin, MO up to Kansas City for my flight home. After Labor Day, I'll do the reverse and then continue the bike trip and hopefully reach my destination in Florida by mid-October. Will keep you posted as the time approaches and may even be able to put in a blog entry from Europe! Till then, stay cool and stay tuned....
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mom's Birthday
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Man, The Legend
One of the must-stop places along the TransAmerica bicycle route is Guffey, CO. This is a truly tiny town but it has one major distinction. Bill, the owner of the Guffey Garage, was a host to the original TransAm group of cyclists back in 1976 (back then, the Adventure Cycling Association was known as "Bikecentenial"). Bill is about as unique an individual as you will ever find. When he's not hosting cyclists and regaling them with stories of past visitors, he seems to be in the odd antiques business. He's basically a pack-rat with a lot of land to support his habit! He collects and sells old bathtubs, wheelbarrows, old cars and also seems to have an interest in animal skulls and skeletons. Bill also built a number of "bunk rooms" which are essentially rustic sheds with fold-down bunks in them. I stayed in one and had a good night's sleep. Pictured with Bill are Daniel and Ashley who are cycling from Ohio to Yellowstone park in Wyoming. Of all the places I've stopped during this trip, Guffey takes the prize as most unique. Today I am in Pueblo, CO and it is HOT! The altitude here is about 4,500 ft so I've been doing a lot of downhill riding. Tomorrow I'll set out for eastern Colorado. Hope I can find libraries and computers to regularly update this blog.....
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Continental Divide (for REAL this time!)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Total mileage so far: 1,550
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Rockies II
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Well, after crossing half of the state of Wyoming, I decided to take a rest day in the town of Rawlins, WY. In addition to having a very good Thai restaurant (who'd have thought I'd find one in the middle of Wyoming?) and lots of wonderful old architecture, it is also the site of the first penitentiary in what was in the late 1800's the "territory" of Wyoming. For a few dollars I took a tour of "the old Pen" and saw lots of fascinating artifacts from the pioneer penal system at the turn of the century. On the tour were the cell blocks (very basic and cold), the cafeteria (more cheerful but still very institutional), the exercise yards, infirmary and, of course, the gallows! Only 12 men were hanged here - all for murder - and they actually have small sections of the rope used for each on display (rather gruesome). The other thing I noticed is that there were usually only a few months or, at most, a year between the sentence of hanging and the actual carrying out of the sentence. I guess the appeals system was a lot shorter back then. This morning I finally got off the interstate and headed south towards Colorado, which I expect to hit tomorrow. I've noticed the terrain is getting steeper again and the elevation of towns higher. The town I'm in right now, Encampment, WY, sits at just over 7,300 feet. Over the next week or so I'll be heading over a couple of rather high passes, one of which again crosses the Continental Divide at over 11,000 feet! Stay tuned. Finally, in response to one of the comments I received, I've attached a photo of my left calf muscle. More so than any other part of my leg, this seems to have really developed definition and details I've never seen before. Good thing, since I'll need that extra umph to get me through the next week. Doubt these muscles will last very long after I complete my trip but I'll use 'em while I've got 'em!
Total mileage so far: 1,378
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Conquer The Divide!
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Small Town Fourth Of July
First things first, I finally broke the 1,000 mile mark and also made it into a new state! (Wyoming). It's always exciting to see that "welcome" sign and know that I've passed another milestone in my journey. After crossing the state line I arrived in Cokeville, WY and was told I could camp in the town park, right near the railroad tracks. No sprinklers this time! I then went to the Country Shopper and met the owner, Paul, who treated me to his special "Mega Burger", a one-pound monster that was the best hamburger I've had in a very long time. The next morning, July 4th, most of the town gathered in the same park and had a pancake breakfast (see photo). This was really a taste of small-town America. Many of the folks there worked for the railroad and didn't even skip a beat in the conversation as huge freight trains rumbled by blowing their whistles at the town crossing. After breakfast I made my way to Kemmerer, home of J.C. Penny and the site of his very first department store (it's still there and still operating). Along the way there I passed a few rather large fireworks stands. These feature an amazing variety of ways to blow things up, make pretty lights and generally watch a lot of money go up in smoke very quickly ;-) I saw one display which consisted of nine 3" tubes (the largest which can legally be sold to the public and the smallest size used by professionals). These tubes shoot off about 10 seconds apart and, I'm told, produce an amazing display. The cost for this 90 seconds of fun? $99.99!!! This didn't deter the good folks of Kemmerer, however, since, when night fell, it seemed the whole town lit up with individual fireworks displays on every street. I walked up to a high hill in town and was able to look over the place and see it all in one huge spectacle. Don't think Hollywood could have captured it better than that view! Now, on through more of Wyoming for the next week or so.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Please Standby...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Livin' Large In Lava
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Making Progress
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Into every life....
Please consider making a small donation to help cancer survivors (sadly, my mom was not one of them)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Idaho Eats