Wednesday, March 26, 2008


As many of you know, I've been wanting to do a coast-to-coast bicycle trip since I was about 14 years old and first became seriously interested in bicycling. It's number one on my very short list of "things to do before I die." Since I recently got laid off by my company and was given a severance package, I decided that now is the right time to grab the opportunity and do this trip. After practicing law for nearly 20 years, if I don't do this trip now, when will I ever?

I plan to pack up the bike and fly to Portland Oregon on June 5th where I will get to the west coast, do the traditional ceremony of dipping my rear wheel in the Pacific ocean, and then head out with my saddlebags, tent and sleeping bag in an effort to ride all the way to Florida. I'll be starting out along the northern tier states and heading for Chicago as a half-way point. From there, I'll head south-east and make my way down to Florida where I'll get to the east coast and dip my front wheel in the Atlantic ocean. I'm expecting this will all take around four months.

I am also using the trip as a fundraiser for the LiveStrong foundation (founded by seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong). Since I lost my Mom to cancer I've decided to support this organization which sponsors programs for cancer survivors. Please visit my sponsorship page and donate to the cause if you can.

I'll post updates and photos to this blog along the way whenever I have access to a computer. Thanks for your interest and I look forward to start posting as soon as I hit the road!